Here's the other thing I learned during my week-long paleta frenzy: as much as I would like to make my pops out of nothing but fruits, juices, herbs, and dairy, the key to softer pops is sugar. Sugar lowers the freezing point of liquid, acting as a "lubricant between ice crystals," so they don't turn out so rock hard. (Thank you

1 pineapple
8 kiwi
1/4 cup dried cranberries, chopped
1 lemon
Heat equal parts sugar and water to make SIMPLE SYRUP. Let it cool. Puree chopped pineapple in a food processor. Add quarter cup of simple syrup. Strain pineapple mix to remove the leftover pulp. Fill molds half way and freeze. Puree chopped kiwi in food processor. Add the juice of 1 lemon and 1/4 cup simple syrup. Remove the molds filled half way with pineapple from the freezer. Distribute the pieces of chopped dried cranberries between them, then top with the kiwi mixture. Return molds to the freezer. After about 50 minutes, insert popsicle sticks and let them freeze overnight.
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