
dispatches from sweeden, via poppytalk

Scandinavia must be the most inspirational region on the planet. It seems like everything that comes out of there has the same charming minimalism that makes me swoon with admiration and envy. Every so often Popytalk contributor Elisabeth Dunker of Fine Little Day posts something spectacularly charming she found in her home of Gothenberg, Sweeden. Last week she posted these, boxes of dry cereal and museli.

Breakfast in Sweden. Maybe some organic yoghurt or curdled from Milko, and some energetic cereals or museli from Ica? Or we could make some oatmeal porridge and eat some wholemeal bread with it. Or we could just sit there and look at this great packaging, and eat later.
I love the mountain climbers. And I don't know what fullkornsbrod is, and it doesn't really matter, but it looks an awful lot like rocks. Maybe it's mushrooms...

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