at the LA State Historic Park
1245 N. Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
According to the event site, there will be cheese-themed poetry, comedy and music as well as exhibition cheese grilling. But the real selling point is the more 300 competitors vying for the title of Grilled Cheese Campion. Yum. Town.
Last week, Founder/Organizer Tim Walker talked to my brilliant cousin Margy Rochlin about tips for attendees and general event details. They're all here on Squid Ink.
Competition from 1 PM - 6 PM.
$5 Admission fee.

Meat Lovers' Panel
Moderated by Jonathan Gold
with Mark Peel (Campanile) and Octavio Becerra (Palate Food + Wine)
The LA Weekend is actually a two-day event celebrating the Weekly's 30 years of publishing. It starts on Friday with some art, some music, some Wil Wheaton, and ends Saturday with the meat panel and a screening of "The Heart is a Drum Machine," among other things.
The two-day pass to the Weekend was going to cost $30, but Nike bought out the event and now it's free and open to the public.
Where will I be?
It just so happens that the only Festival of Books panel I got tickets for/wanted to see starts at 12:30, about the same time as the other two events, so my decision was made for me. From 12:30-2ish, I'll be book festing, then over to Grilled Cheese Invitational for sammich sampling till 5.
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