Cake Wrecks posts photos of bunked-out cakes as they're sent in by readers. The site has guidelines for what cakes can be submitted and Rule #1 is that the cake MUST have been professionally made. That means that someone actually got paid to make this.

Administrator Jen lays down exactly what makes a cake a wreck: "A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons." What results is a sort of when good cakes go bad, but sometimes it's bad cakes gone worse. And what could be better than that?
The site thrives on finding the money cakes--the ones that shoot for the stars and fall painfully short. Cakes of this kind are placed side by side in a section called "Inspiration vs. Perspiration". Substitutions are made, corners are cut, and somehow bamboo trimming is transformed into tootsie rolls logs.
But the true genius of Cake Wrecks is its ability to ride the line between too much and too little badness. Sure the focus is wrecks, but when the cakes are too ugly too frequently it gets boring. Like those marathons of World's Greatest Police Chases that they used to show on FOX, overexposure to ugly can be desensitizing. So to avoid this, Jen includes dream cakes...
Like this shirtless Tom Selleck. And look, c'est por moi!

1 comment:
i was just clicking next blog, and i happened to find yours.
the pictures of the cakes are hilarious!
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