Despite having a number of really very noteworthy food excursions lately (judging L.A. Cupcake Challenge, the 2nd Annual Gold Standard, 2 visits to Silverlake's new Forage, and a very successful Oscar pot luck), I haven't been able to bring myself to post. My head is elsewhere. And thinking and writing about food feels painfully irrelevant.
Nevertheless, I'm working on a Top Ten Kit Kat Flavors You've Probably Never Tried, the latest addition to my ever-growing body of surprisingly successful Japanese snack food posts (or as I sometimes refer to it, My LA Weekly Legacy). For it, I began a wonderfully tangential, slightly jingoistic introduction, which I will not use, but which I believe best reflects my state of mind as of late:
In honor of the birthday of President Andrew Jackson (Monday March 15), Squid Ink has taken the the time to pay homage to America's adopted sons, the Kit Kat. A licensed product of America's own Hershey Company, this classic confection stacks three layers of creme-filled, crispy wafer inside four milk chocolate-covered fingers, each with the ability, nay, the freedom, to snap, or "break", from the bar one at a time. Sturdy and brown, these chocolate bars recall the logs that built Lincoln's cabin...God bless America.
Yup, crazy. You can expect the real thing to go up sometime this week.