
Shmura Matzoh Pizza

If they've got this in NYC, no doubt it can be found somewhere in LA (Shoiman Oaks, bubbie?). This article from Mark Bittman's blog sings the praises unleavened bread; not the Manischewitz you're likely to find at the typical seder table, but some serious, handmade stuff from the Hasidic hood. As contributor Edward Schneider notes, it offers some serious culinary benefits: freshness, wheat flavor, and crunch. I'm listening.

So, I this got me thinking: this could make an awesome flatbread pizza base. The problem, as anyone whose ever had to go through eight days of eating the stuff, is that it gets soggy, and fast. How can we make this work? Make a bunch of toppings, throw them together, and put them in oven before they even go on the matzoh to cut down on juice/oil seepage, maybe? Seems like this could, at the very least, make pesach a little more exciting and at most, make its way into the secular mouth as a snappy new snacky. Yiddische Taco Truck, anyone?


emma said...
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emma said...

Yiddische Taco Truck would be a major contender in Taco Madness.

Make it happen.